Sunday, May 4, 2008


my better half has a written a similiar article for his online magazine with the same name 'eavesdropping' ( but i just had to write about my whole take on the situation. we moved to brooklyn 7 months ago and and have been experiencing the culinary wonders of dining out. brooklyn is known for some amazing restaurants; while charming in stature, space can be somewhat limited. so last saturday evening after taking in a movie we went to our favorite sushi restaurant. i would say the tables are about 2 feet apart. so while i would hate for someone to eavesdrop on my conversation with my boyfriend you cannot help but do just that (unless the couple is signing, which we both know as well:)

the 'no-no's' of topics NOT to touch upon are obvious, yet people can't help themselves: your ex, dating services, partying habits, and the most awkward is the 'bill' at the end of the meal- guys, please don't make her 'reach'......

while all these things are like a car crash that you can't take your eyes off of, i have a bigger issue: the 'job dance'. i am in the production/advertising world (with about a million other new yorkers). i have been on almost everyside of the business and know a lot of people, so when the couple started throwing names around i immediatley knew everything. he is a up and coming creative and she, a media planner at the same agency. so the conversation obviously has some mutual ebb and flow to it, discussing the inter-office 'politics' yet being in two completely different areas of the business. i can only explain creatvie to media as church to state. while he is trying to impress her with his invite to the 'one show', the open bar, and after-party, she is trying to tell him how she convinced a client of an added value merchandising concept by putting another ad on yet another bus kiosk.

while all this back and forth about the 'biz' seems to fall on deaf ears (not mine of course:) the couple seem to revert back to the exes and who's apartment is closest to go and smoke weed. i feel quite lucky to have met someone 5 years ago that all we need to do short of eating and staring into eachother's eyes is eavesdropping on other's perils in dating.


n! said...

you haven't posted in awhile. We miss you at Etats!

girluninterrupted said...

thanks- we miss u and etats as well:)