Saturday, March 10, 2007

We're still EATING

Friday evening, I was dining chez UWS with my beau and his family at their favorite local bistro. We usually know what to expect in regards to service, food quality, ambiance, etc. However, on this occasion, my soon to be mother-in-law and I had a rare moment of mutual bonding because I was brought up to believe that no one leaves the dinner table until EVERYONE is through eating (even if my father is trying to beat the turtles and snails in 'last place' with his filet of sole). This rule carries over to dining out as well. The waitstaff should be well aware of NOT clearing ANYONE'S plate until EVERYONE is finished eating. Unfortunately for us, my beau is a very speedy eater and it only caught the eye of our eager beaver waitress. It is somewhat awkward when you can't get the words out quick enough to tell her to leave the plate but it is even more awkward when the second person is through eating and the bus boy comes around to swipe their plate. Restaurant owners and managers need to teach their employees the proper etiquette of clearing the plates off the table.

On the flipside, one definitely makes up for flawed service as I experienced at my meal chez UES last night. I had ordered a dish that came with a side of potatoes. I asked if I could substitute a vegetable instead. No Problem. The meal came with the mashed potatoes. This is not a big deal, however, it is a little annoying when you have to beg the rest of the table to 'please, start eating' with feelings of guilt that YOU have held the meal up, when clearily it was the fault of your waiter. I know, I know, you are wondering how this is the 'flipside'?....when our bill came our wine was comped...NOW that is making good of bad.

The Introduction

I created this blog because I want to express my thoughts and opinions regarding day to day experiences that happen to me regarding work and social ethics. So many people don't know how to act accordingly, whether in the work place, the gym, a restaurant, etc. I hope that anyone and everyone will reply based on their own experiences. Enjoy. Or be afraid.