Thursday, October 25, 2007

Enough about Oprah, let's talk about Oprah; Oprah

This woman is the most self-serving person on our planet. Oprah masks all of her self involvement will her billions, that she donates to charities and causes (because she can't have kids of her own or be honest about her sexuality). While I can't stand her and her show, it is not the first time I have watched something I hate so much, yet can't stand to look away (i.e. HBO's 'Tell Me You Love Me' , The Hills, Kimora, and anything having to do with Tyra Banks- I'll get to her later; although I think Joel McHale on the Soup did a fabulous job of showing us the ridiculous person she is). I digress, anytime Oprah has a guest (or guests) on her show it always comes back to how Oprah was somehow involved and contributed to this person's success, accomplishments and importance. It's as if her publicist is writng the show.

example #1 You have a gay athlete on your show with the head of the Advocate discussing the importance of 'coming out as a public figure' so kids won't be afraid to be who they are, blah, blah, blah and all this bitch can talk about is 'remember when I played the psychiatrist to Ellen Degeneres on her show, the episode when she came out? Yes, she asked me to be the one.....'
give me a f____ g break!!!

example #2 James Frey's book 'A Million Little Pieces'- put on her book club- made him famous, made him $$ then we all find out it was partly fabricated. Well, when she had him back on the show to confront him and his publishers but all she could talk about was how he 'duped' HER and now SHE looks bad to her fans- boo hoo!

I could go on and on but I seriously feel like I would be just as guilty as the point I'm trying to make....... that I am giving her more attention than she deserves.

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