Tuesday, February 10, 2009

caren's 2009 resolutions

i resolve not to watch ridiculous 'reality tv' in 2009. i will continue to watch project runway (although it bothers me that the weinstein brothers stole it from bravo) and i will watch top chef because both these shows are merit-based competitions. however, the hills, the city, the real housewives of whereever andthe gauntlet all rot my brain. it is a train wreck that i can't turn away from. having a production background, i get so angry with the poor edits and inconsistent timelines, that i wish i could tell the creators that these so called 'staged scenarios' have such a stupid overall look/feel (or that they should just hire me as their continuity director). i think the best thing about this resolution is that my bf and i won't get into a fight that has absolutely nothing to do with us and everything to do with audrina, whitney, vicki & puck!

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