Sunday, March 11, 2007


I love getting pampered...whether it be a mani/pedi, massage or eyebrow waxing...I'm all over it. There are some pitfalls in the 'nail place' process that I have noticed in my experience over the years. For one, I've noticed that the more I frequent a salon (which means the more money I spend there), the more generous they become with MY money. For example, when I ask for a 15 minute massage - I mean 15 minutes...NOT 20! There is probably a good reason as to why I only want 15 minutes and that is I don't want to fork over an addtional 10 dollars (which in turn comes out to more with tipping); a girl needs to eat, ya know.

Secondly, they love to suggest how you should look and what procedures you might want to think about. I used to live in the West Village and there was a great place that I was a regular at (so much so that they let me borrow their magazines to take to the gym and drop off on my way back home). When I would go to get my eyebrows done they would look at my upper lip and ask 'Today?' Now, I don't know how sensitive you are, but I get bent out of shape pretty easily when someone critiques my looks. I have dark hair and have been struggling with the amount and visiblity of it in places on my body I would prefer it not be (no, no struggle there - brazilian). When I was little my mother would take me to Saks and get 15 minutes of electrolysis (torture) and I would use Jolen to lighten my arms and 'stache. Over the years, it has been under control. I'm not sure where I got this idea from but if I start to wax my upper lip- it will grow back like a man's. The point is, this isn't something that I need strangers pointing out to me as they attempt to squeeze a few more bucks out my budget.

The larger issue here is when one enters a spa/salon for services offered, chances are we know what we want and how much we are going to spend for it.....overselling is a turnoff in the pampering world.

Bag It!

I love grocery shopping. I feel like I can check something off my 'to do list' once I leave the store. I do have a bone to pick with grocery store managers. While on occasion I do take the luxury of having my groceries delivered, for the most part, I carry them a whole two blocks home. Being a gym rat I am in perfect physical condition to do this small task. However, it would make life easier (and easier on my biceps) if the girls at the checkout learned how to bag groceries in a mannerly fashion. Do NOT put all bottles of soda, juice, and pickles in the one bag and cereal, wheat thins and a half pound of turkey in the other. It's common sense. But really, thanks for making sure one arm has more muscle mass than the other arm.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

We're still EATING

Friday evening, I was dining chez UWS with my beau and his family at their favorite local bistro. We usually know what to expect in regards to service, food quality, ambiance, etc. However, on this occasion, my soon to be mother-in-law and I had a rare moment of mutual bonding because I was brought up to believe that no one leaves the dinner table until EVERYONE is through eating (even if my father is trying to beat the turtles and snails in 'last place' with his filet of sole). This rule carries over to dining out as well. The waitstaff should be well aware of NOT clearing ANYONE'S plate until EVERYONE is finished eating. Unfortunately for us, my beau is a very speedy eater and it only caught the eye of our eager beaver waitress. It is somewhat awkward when you can't get the words out quick enough to tell her to leave the plate but it is even more awkward when the second person is through eating and the bus boy comes around to swipe their plate. Restaurant owners and managers need to teach their employees the proper etiquette of clearing the plates off the table.

On the flipside, one definitely makes up for flawed service as I experienced at my meal chez UES last night. I had ordered a dish that came with a side of potatoes. I asked if I could substitute a vegetable instead. No Problem. The meal came with the mashed potatoes. This is not a big deal, however, it is a little annoying when you have to beg the rest of the table to 'please, start eating' with feelings of guilt that YOU have held the meal up, when clearily it was the fault of your waiter. I know, I know, you are wondering how this is the 'flipside'?....when our bill came our wine was comped...NOW that is making good of bad.

The Introduction

I created this blog because I want to express my thoughts and opinions regarding day to day experiences that happen to me regarding work and social ethics. So many people don't know how to act accordingly, whether in the work place, the gym, a restaurant, etc. I hope that anyone and everyone will reply based on their own experiences. Enjoy. Or be afraid.